Voluntary workers

Näsijärvi II is run and maintained by voluntary workers. In this page you can take a look at the persons who are contributing their time and effort to keep the ship going and the old tradition alive. During a cruise a minimum of three people is needed to operate the ship: a captain, a chief engineer and a deckhand. Usually though, the crew consists of at least 4-5 members (captain, chief engineer, stoker, 1-2 deckhands).


Antti Peltomäki
Antti "Antsa" Peltomäki
- Shipmaster, "The Soul of the Ship"
- Organizes the voluntary work, maintenance projects, cruise reservations (in Finnish) etc.
Mikko Manka
Mikko Manka
- Shipmaster/ Chief, cruise reservations in English
- Guidance about different routes and history, website and FB admin
Tero Lahti
Tero Lahti
- Shipmaster
- A vital part of the "Steamship Orchestra Visseli": accordion
- One of the admins of the ship's Facebook site

Engine room

Mikko Valanto
Mikko Valanto
- Chief Engineer
- "Mr. Engine Room", if there's something you want to know about steam engines, Mikko is the man to ask
Lauri Elo
Lauri Elo
- Chief Engineer
- When Lauri is not running his own steamship (Häme), he's taking care of other steamers, including Näsijärvi II
Sampo Rajala
Sampo Rajala
- Chief Engineer
- Fresh face among the olders, a maritime engineer student
- One of the admins of the ship's Facebook site
Esa Virtanen
Esa Virtanen
- Chief Engineer
- A tugboat specialist
Pekka Tervanen
Pekka ”Paha” Tervanen
- Chief Engineer
- Travelling around the world installing boilers to power stations, and when not, he's with Näsijärvi II
Reska Ojansivu
Reska Ojansivu
- Stoker
- Silent and steady

Deck department

Petteri Julin
Petteri Julin
- Deckhand
- An excellent storyteller
RIsto Luukkainen
Risto Luukkainen
- Deckhand
- Mooring ropes, musical instruments - you name it.
Jyrki Rajala
Jyrki Rajala
- Deckhand
Leo Särkinen
Leo Särkinen
- Deckhand
- Mooring ropes
Teuvo Vastamäki
Teuvo Vastamäki
- Deckhand
- As an architect involved in the planning of renovation work
Jaakko Silvennoinen
Jaakko Silvennoinen
- Deckhand and entertainment on board
- Mr. Violin, polishing brass items aboard
- A vital part of the "Steamship Orchestra Visseli": violin
Rauno Kangasniemi
Rauno Kangasniemi
- Deckhand
- As a construction architect involved in the planning of renovation work
Reijo Tammi
Reijo Tammi
- Deckhand
- Mooring ropes


Juhani Pentinmäki
Juhani Pentinmäki
- Chief steward
- A vital part of the "Steamship Orchestra Visseli": drums


Hannu Suonpää
Hannu Suonpää
- Dockmaster